Overview of Printed Circuit Board Repair and Rework Services

In the form of engineering change orders, product upgrades and revisions, general automated process errors, and more Printed Circuit Board repair and rework will always be a part of our lives. Within the PCB assembly process, rework is one of the most unpredictable and variable components, in fact, more than rework, not other single function in the assembly process negatively affects profitability.

In the preceding year, the cost of doing PCB Rework was difficult to track since labor, equipment, and WIP in the rework process was not costly and could be "swept under the table." Rework has completely taken a new meaning, with today's new and complex packages. For electronic assemblers, equipment, training and engineering support cost millions which also includes the damage or scraps that gets generated. By keeping a large number of boards in work-in-progress to be reworked the "Time to Market" factor is costly and unable to reach final markets.

In the computer, communication and telecom sectors where product life cycles are short, this is noticeably true. By outsourcing some of their rework tasks, successful companies are beginning to realize that the high cost of rework which can be kept in check.

PCC - an end to end Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) provider company offers fast turnaround PCB Repair and Rework services in a fully controlled ESD compliant facility. Adhering to IPC and JEDEC workmanship standards, we specialize in both assembled and bare circuit board repair and rework. We have a skilled workforce who are regularly trained and continually assessed by our in-house certified trainers. Our facilities are AS9100C & ISO 9001:2008 accredited and have the most advanced computer controlled PCA and BGA rework stations that ensure the accuracy of work.

Our PCB Repair Services and reworks Include:

  • Repair of Assembled PCA
  • Repair and Replacement of BGA
  • Leaded or Lead-Free Soldering Process
  • Rework/Engineering Change Notices
  • Component Level Repair
  • Through-hole Component Replacements
  • Replacements of SMD (Surface Mount) Components
  • Engineering Changes and Upgrades
  • Inspection/Verification

BGA Rework & Reballing Services

By utilizing the latest techniques, methods, and processes, PCC performs BGA reballing and reworks that include lead-free, ceramic BGAs and column grid array. Leveraging IC rescue, we safely remove misplaced BGA, Reball it via laser technology and then place it in PCB accurately.
We work on all types of land grid array package or socket, be it PBGA, Hyper-BGA, CBGA, CCGA, m-SMD, LGA, High I/O FCBGA and more. After every repair and rework, we perform X-ray inspection of all BGA components to ensure 100% quality.

Quick Turn PCB Engineering Change Service (ECO, ECN)

PCC perform engineering changes and modifications in circuit paths on PCBs at BGA sites and other locations. During the prototype cycle, our Engineering Change Order (ECO) service saves customers time and money after re-spinning and re-building PCBs. Moreover, to safely change the BGA or component we use hot air or infrared rework systems. However, we apply laser BGA reballing system if the BGA just has a placement issue, so that it could be reused safely.
Apart from PCB (Printed Circuit Board) repair services, we also work on ball screw repair, electronic repair, hydraulic repair, motion control repair, process control repair, wind turbine parts repair and more.


  1. Hello Dear,

    You provide a piece of very good information about Printed Circuit Board Repair and Rework Services. The term printed circuit board refers to the process of attaching various electronic components to a printed circuit board to develop and complete a fully functional printed circuit assembly. Basically, there are two types of construction utilized in this process, one is the surface-mount construction, and the other is the through-hole construction. Both these methods have individual benefits when putting to use. The surface mount technique takes up less space, while through-hole mounting provides strength for any component that is likely to endure physical stress in the unit. Nonetheless, both these methods have their own advantages and disadvantages in the integral process of assembly. A few months ago one of my friends takes the service for his shop from Greatpcb.com, which specializes in and guarantees prompt delivery of fast-turnaround PCB and PCB assemblies.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Yuaan Liie


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